Spritz Wellness Sleep Atmosphere Mist helps you to wind down and drift off with a unique blend of relaxing, soothing and calming scents - a natural remedy of Lavender, Mandarin, Ravensara, and Chamomile to promote a solid night’s rest.
The relaxing properties of Lavender combined with the soothing effects of Mandarin help ease the mind and calm the body. Mandarin has a sweet smell with a rich, floral undertone. Ravensara is a soft, warm scent excellent for calming the nervous system and relieving stress, and is gathered from the leaves of evergreen trees native to Madagascar. Finally, Chamomile aids in calming the nervous system and helps relieve insomnia.
The Sleep blend is a beautiful combination of scents to help you wind down and drift off, encouraging a good night’s rest.
Shake well, spray and mist the room before sleep.